Got a fun one coming up tomorrow. Snag a partner and spend 30 minutes getting after it.
If no partner, perform the workout as prescribed and rest as needed.
In Depth Tactical Solutions
Got a fun one coming up tomorrow. Snag a partner and spend 30 minutes getting after it.
If no partner, perform the workout as prescribed and rest as needed.
Hey guys, I'm Brian. I've been in the military around 11 years at this point in 11 and 18 series jobs. I started Modern Athlete Strength Solutions not just to give it the cool nickname of MASS, but to provide free strength and conditioning training to those that want to cut through the BS, not pay $100 for a generic program, and develop their athleticism through qualified S&C coaches. I am also the Executive Director at Operation RSF, a 501c3 non-profit that provides education and community initiatives on how fitness benefits mental health.