FirstSpear Hands On Operator Gloves (O.G.)
Merino wool. Breathable. Flexible. If I were to tell you that I am describing an article of clothing, what do you picture? A fitness inspired clothing line? Ultra comfy socks? Maybe a pair of yoga pants? You’d be wrong. I deduce that since you clicked on a link describing the article I’m writing, you already know that I was describing a new piece of tactical equipment, the FirstSpear Hands On O.G.
I describe this as “gloves” plural, because it actually entails two different pieces of equipment, an inner glove and a contact glove. There is a third glove, the Operator Outer Glove, that, I have not gotten my hands on just yet. For the purposes of this article, I want to break down the Contact Glove and Inner Glove by comparing and contrasting them as they have many similarities with only a few differences.
These gloves are made of some of the best stuff on Earth. Merino wool. If you haven’t ever felt it up against your skin, it’s soft, has some wicking properties and is extremely breathable. This is where the first difference between the two gloves arises. The Contact Glove has a 100% Merino wool shell while the Inner Glove has a backing composed of Merino wool and Nylon.
The merino wool composition yields the Contact Glove offering a higher thermal rating as well as better durability. When you dawn the Contact Glove, it feels like much more than tactical glove. It’s as if you could wear it on a cold night while you were out. I may try that (on a night in Arizona where it get’s cold enough to wear gloves…) and report back on if I get any weird looks or not.
The Inner Glove feels like a lot more of the gloves I’ve worn for work. They are lightweight and have a low thermal rating. The Merino wool and Nylon blend offers a nice combination of comfort, sweat wicking and breathability. The unique blend also offers flexibility that allows optimum digital manipulation of weapons, handcuffs or other assorted tactical gear.
Both sets of gloves secure around the wrist using a hook and loop type Velcro. Both sides of the contact patch are long enough to ensure proper fitment. They are both built with materials that are melt and drip proof.
Both glove sets utilize the same material and set up to achieve palm side traction. Comprised of Pittards Goatskin, and cut into a digital pattern, these are the “grippiest” gloves I have ever worn. They provide far more grip than any leather or synthetic felt palmed tactical glove that I ever worn. The pointer finger and thumb are made of a leather material that allow for touch screen usability, you know, for when that selfie just can’t wait. The high quality material allows these to be used as search gloves as well. You can manipulate and legitimately feel items through the fingers, yet you have enough protection to not be cut by glass.
I typically wear an XL glove. Ordering the XL, I found the fitment of both gloves to be absolutely perfect. They are tight enough that they don’t bunch or pinch when I’m holding something with substantial weight, like a rifle. They are not so tight that they are uncomfortable.
When you receive the package in the mail FirstSpear, you expect quality. The Hands On Operator Inner and Contact Gloves do not disappoint. You know that you have top tier gear in your hands whether dawning or simply holding these gloves. The Operator Contact Glove retails at $58.99. The Operator Inner Glove retails at $56.99. Whether you are looking for a lightweight, high-speed glove or a glove with a little more ruggedness and thermal protection, FirstSpear has a solution for you.
Let’s Rate It!
FirstSpear Hands On Operator Contact Glove
Overall: 4.6/5
FirstSpear Hands On Operator Inner Glove
Overall: 4.4/5
To learn more about the Operator Gloves and purchase them, click here!
Material Disclosure
I received this product as a courtesy from the manufacturer via Spotter Up so I could test it and give my honest feedback. I am not bound by any written, verbal, or implied contract to give this product a good review. All opinions are my own and are based off my personal experience with the product.
*The views and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the original authors and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Spotter Up Magazine, the administrative staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
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