For the precision or long-range shooter, a good spotting scope isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. Not too many years ago, spotting scopes with a first focal plane mil reticle were rare to unheard-of. Even today, most spotting scopes do not feature any kind of reference to indicate just how much of an adjustment the shooter needs to make. That makes things particularly difficult for the neophyte, as spotting is an art form unto itself. Mostly, the inexperienced (and even the more experienced) spotter will give too conservative a call, or a wildly exaggerated call, which doesn’t get the shooter on target. Having a calibrated reticle to look through reduces the number of follow-up shots significantly. That is one of the thing I really like about the Sightmark Latitude 20-60X80 Tactical Spotting Scope.
Plenty of Magnification
The most skilled spotters will recommend keeping the power dialed down to around 20X, where bullet trace is most visible. Bullet impacts on paper can be difficult to impossible to see past 300 yards unless the light and atmosphere are cooperating, that said, sometimes a little more magnification can be very helpful and the Latitude has plenty of it, particularly helpful for extreme long-distance shooting. The fully multi-coated, extra low dispersion glass also means great clarity.
Value…………………..5/5 Available for half the price of larger name brands with the same features, this is a very affordable spotting scope.
Performance………..5/5 Plenty of magnification, good clarity, and an excellent first focal plane milliradian reticle.
Durability…………….5/5 With a water-resistant rubber-armored coating, this optic should put up with a fair amount of rough field-use. It is a bit on the big/heavy side compared to some competitors.
Availability……………4/5 These can be had on Amazon and some of the major optics outlets, but it looks like supplies are limited.
Final Thoughts
I score this scope at 95%. That takes into account performance vs. price. Sure, others are available that will give similar or better performance in a lighter, more compact unit, but at twice the price or more. For most shooters, this scope is a more than adequate solution. If you need a lighter, smaller unit more suited for packing into the field, I would also suggest looking at this review of the Latitude 15-45×60 Tactical Spotting Scope.
I received this product as a courtesy from the manufacturer via Spotter Up so I could test it and give my honest feedback. I am not bound by any written, verbal, or implied contract to give this product a good review. All opinions are my own and are based off my personal experience with the product.
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