If you like to carry your gun concealed beneath your shirt I recommend you consider this shirt company that my buddy Steve turned me onto. He uses them in his daily work as an investigator. The company is called UNTUCKit and they make a casual shirt with a sophisticated look. You’re not doomed to looking tacti-cool.
Although this company did not create their shirts for the concealed carry market we think it is something you should look at.
The UNTUCKit shirts are designed to fall halfway between the belt and the bottom of the zipper, allowing the front pockets to be partially exposed. The shirts have a curved hemline instead of a square bottom. The wearer will be able to access his pockets.
UNTUCKit offers high quality fabrics and they come in solid & stripes, checks & gingham and much, much more. UNTUCKit is our recommendation for gun owners who want to conceal carry and desire to wear quality made clothing that won’t show the outline of their weapon. You can have a sense of personal style.
The clothing industry offers a variety of shirt styles and fits but they are slow to catch up to the needs of the tactical gentleman. There are a few function and fashion problems the tactical gentleman must address:
He needs a shirt hem that isn’t too long because a long hem reduces his weapon from being accessed quickly.
If the shirt is too baggy and not somewhat contoured he ends up looking like a slob. A long hem covering his backside means he ends up sitting on the shirt and can’t access his gun while sitting in his car.
If the shirt is too fitted then the outline of the gun ends up ‘printing’ and cancels out the idea of what it means to carry concealed.
If the shirt is too light-colored it will make the weapon housed in an Inside the Waist Band (IWB) holster more visible.
I want to get this short for my husband.