With all the ammunition manufacturers on the market today, it is very hard for new companies to come in and establish a reputation. There are so many well established companies with products that have been proven to work very well against human and animal attackers. This is the challenge that Browning is going to face now with their new BXP design.

Browning entered the ammunition market in 2016 and released ammunition for both target shooting and self defense. They boast that their rounds are consistent and will be very good quality. From my brief experience with both their 9mm target and defensive options, the consistency and performance is very good. Their 9mm seems to be loaded very hot compared to many of the competitors, and the price is a little high for me to be a regular user. But I do appreciate their quality so far. Hopefully the price of their ammo will come down, or they will consider offering a less expensive alternative like an Aluminum or Steel cased option in the future. Video below:


The results? Less than satisfatory. All I can say is that I have seen better from designs like the Hydra-Shok and some others. Basically, it took some real patience during testing. I had to find a way to make it work, but honestly, the round just did not want to work with too much clothing. Given that it is a 147 grain projectile being sent at the target at a rate of 1000 fps, I would assume that the velocity would work in its favor and only help it expand through these barriers. Oh well.

My recommendation to Browning is to find a way to get the BXP to reliably expand through clothing. So far, my testing has shown virtually the same results as others. The 9mm round is finicky and is inconsistent in expansion. I am not sure about this round long term, but I do think it is nice for people to have options. Good luck Browning, but I cannot say that I trust the performance of your ammunition with performing properly in a self defense situation. Your target ammo, on the other hand, is nice and I may use it in the future.

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By David Donchess

David Donchess served in the Marine Corp as an infantry assaultman for two deployments before being medically retired. He moved with his wife to Alaska and now runs a YouTube channel while fostering, training, and rehabilitating rescue dogs.

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