While I was serving as the Squadron SgtMaj for VMAQ-4 we deployed to Al Asad Iraq in 2008 and again in 2009 (seven months in, seven months out, seven months in). In between deployments I set up a few Fieldtrips to expose our squadron Marines to our ground combat dudes. One of the trips was most memorable: I took two van loads of Marines and Corpsman (about 15 of us) to Camp Lejeune for the day.
We started out with an old buddy of mine at the Combat (MOUT) Town (a simulated small town) where his unit was conducting pre-combat training. They were running through scenarios involving actual Middle-Easterners as actors; playing normal civilians and badguys alike. It was an eye-opening experience for my Marines; seeing and hearing the simulated casualties crying out for help.
After Combat Town, we went out to Stone Bay to spend the afternoon shooting from the 1,000-yard line with the Scout Sniper School students/instructors.
Some people would say we wasted about 150 maintenance (man) hours, but I would disagree with them; these Marines would never forget their experience with the Grunts and being able to shoot from the 1,000-yard line with some of the greatest snipers in the world.
The moral of the story: Sometimes taking Marines away from their job for a day makes them work harder from that day forward; therefore, it was well worth the time. I believe you should expose your subordinates to as much of the Corps as possible.
Photos: VMAQ-4 Al Asad Iraq 2008 and again in 2009.
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