If you have ever read any of my past reviews before, then you would know the enjoyment I get living in southern California where you can be on the beach one minute, off road backpacking up in the mountains the next, and even onto the snowy slopes all in the same day. It can be extremely fun and exciting, but you can also imagine how time consuming it can get to live an always-on-the-go, active lifestyle. Luckily, there’s things like this product that can make sure you live your days to the fullest without skipping a beat.
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If you haven’t heard of Rungu before, I have a good feeling that the name will be crossing you sooner than later. I had the privilege to take the Rungu Electric Juggernaut out for a spin and I’ll admit, it put a big smile on my face. The Juggernaut is an electric bike (or should I say trike) that can be used in pretty much any setting you put it in. Made to go off-road, this powerful new ride gives you the ability to push through mud, snow, soft sand, or on the smooth pavement. Think of taking the best qualities of a quad and dirt bike and combining them into one. The Juggernaut provides enjoyable transportation with incredible functionality.
The amount of options for this machine are pretty limitless. Not only do you have a smooth ride, but what’s impressive is the towing capabilities that come with it. Having the ability to attach a small trailer or rear rack that can support up to 200 pounds makes this bike pretty desirable. So, who is this designed for? Well that’s a good question. One of the main demographics are hunters. With the trailer attachment, you have the ability to haul all of your gear, weapons, and even larger items such as tree stands. The Juggernaut’s motor is COMPLETELY quiet which can give you stealthy access through all terrains. The trike itself weighs less than 100 pounds and is one third of the size of an ATV which makes it far more portable than other options.
For those who just need a stable ride to tote their long board to the surf zone, you can ride it straight from your garage, down the board walk and right onto the soft sand to the waves. It was a surreal feeling being able to effortlessly ride on the sand next to the water without washing out, losing control, or having my tires get stuck in the sand. No more need to hop in your car and fight for parking, which is practically worth getting one right there. If you live in a place that still has all 4 seasons, the Juggernaut is completely weather proof and is a great option for your winter commutes…including going over the river and through the woods all in the slushy or soft powder snow. It’s perfect to attach your skies or snowboard and head to the resort without worrying about it sliding out from underneath you and facing a cold white wash.
Now when I think of trikes, my mind takes me back to my favorite red and yellow big wheel I had as a kid. With the Rungu, you have 2 thick off-road tires in the front which causes you to have more stability when maneuvering through things like sand and snow. When making any type of turns, the inside wheel is designed to help dig into the surface instead of washing out if you were to have only the one. It provides you with a lot more stability, meaning you can have both feet off the ground and stay completely upright with no effort. They are also close together which helps you bank into a turn. That was something that took a little practice to get used to. If you have ever ridden an ATV before, it has the same feel where you really need to put your weight into the turn as you make it. It prevents you from making really sharp turns, but you also have the throttle to help assist you along. As far as ease of use, we had beginner riders with us that haven’t been on a regular bicycle in decades that were able to hop on and get after it.
With the Rungu, not only do you have the option to throttle your way through your commute, but you can also add in some peddling when you need it. The motor provides up to 4,100 watts of power which gives you the boost you need when climbing hills or to give you more speed on flat surfaces. As far as speed goes, I was able to push it up to just over 30mph. Using a good mix of peddle and throttle will help you get the most out of your battery life. If using the throttle alone, you’re looking at about a 15 mile range with a full charge. Incorporating the peddles can double that, with up to 30 miles. It takes less than 5 hours to get a full charge on the battery, which makes this a perfect option for commutes to work. The only downside is you won’t want to take the short path.
Next to having great practicality and performance, it’s also quite the head turner. There wasn’t a single time where we would ride past other cyclist, runners or families out on a stroll without getting the “Whoa! What is that?!” comment, or the depressed look on the face of the other bikers who realize they’re putting in way more effort, for way less fun and results…and don’t look as cool. That being said, this probably isn’t something you want to take out if you’re looking to get a good workout in. But like a road or mountain bike, the Juggernaut does have different gears to help you with steeper inclines or tougher terrains. This really is an awesome piece of equipment that I wish that I had to cruise around on everyday. You also better believe I was bumping “Ruff Rider’s Anthem” by DMX when we were rolling down the streets.
So let’s talk about price. With every great feature that was mentioned, here’s the one part that might possibly make you cringe. The fun definitely comes at a cost. Rungu offers a few different models of their electric (and non electric) trikes that range from $2,499.00 for their basic model up to $6,500 for their LE editions which has a few more bells and whistles and power behind it. Looking at other electric bikes on the market, it’s quite an increase in dollar signs, but you have to look at what you get. Where the others are made for a good joy ride down the road, the Rungu trikes bring more functionality and uses to the table. They really provide a game changer when it comes to performance and style. No matter who you are, what your hobbies are, or what your activity level is, there is good reason why you should have this product. I highly recommend getting your tush onto one and taking it for a ride if you can.
Performance: 5 out of 5 stars
Functionality: 5 out of 5 stars
Stability: 5 out of 5 stars
Style: 5 out of 5 stars
Price: 3 out of 5 stars
Rungu technology making new tracks.
Why two wheels up front? The two-wheels-in-front design adds stability at slow speeds (think deep snow, sand, and stairs)
Why are the wheels so close together? Rungu Trike designs provide the balance between speed and stability. The distance between the two front wheels lets you bank into turns like a bicycle but with adequate stability to let you stop without having to take your feet off the pedals.
Rungu Trikes use patented technology to connect the handlebars to the steering linkage. The stem-and-linkage assembly uses modified Ackerman geometry to minimize wheel slip for both front wheels when steering through a turn.
Is that the motor under the frame? The box under the frame holds the battery and the controller. Unlike other e-bike designs, Rungu uses the battery to keep the center of gravity lower improving ride dynamics. Rungu uses high-quality LiMNC batteries that optimize for safety and power. The Electric Juggernaut uses a 3-phase, direct drive hub motor with venting to allow better cooling and to allow moisture to escape preserving the motor for long term use. The rear wheel uses 12G spokes for extra strength and durability.
Doesn’t a Rungu need a kickstand? Rungu trikes use their three wheels to keep them upright when parked. NEW for 2017, all Rungu Trikes come standard with hydraulic disc brakes and a new parking brake feature. Engaging the parking brake keeps a Rungu from rolling away when parked on a slope.
Material Disclosure
I received this product as a courtesy from the manufacturer via Spotter Up so I could test it and give my honest feedback. I am not bound by any written, verbal, or implied contract to give this product a good review. All opinions are my own and are based off my personal experience with the product.
*The views and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the original authors and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Spotter Up Magazine, the administrative staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
Rungu® Dualie™ Double Wheel E-bikes