Can You Rely on Police to Protect Your Family and You from Violence or Robbery? Well, Maybe. Eventually.
In 2015 my hometown police responded to high-priority calls, involving immediate threat to life, in about seven minutes, on average.…
In Depth Tactical Solutions
In 2015 my hometown police responded to high-priority calls, involving immediate threat to life, in about seven minutes, on average.…
The Ten Fatal Errors That Have Killed Experienced Lawmen Here are ten points to put in your brain box. Although…
I can’t remember the last time that I had worn any type of shoe at work (maybe at the Police…
Diatribes of a Knucklehead 151217 American has over 10 million veterans under the age of 65 (see ref); men and…
What goes on around you… compares little with what goes on inside you. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) I will paraphrase Dr.…
Some people, who likely know nothing about the Bible, will give you their version of one of the 10 commandments:…
I’m writing this article in response to seeing a video clip of the arrest of Sandra Bland, which was immediately…
PTSD does not cause suicide, murder, bank robberies, or any other crime. We need to stop linking everything to combat…
Spotter Up will assume “no” responsibility for any use or misuse of information from this article. This article alone will not…
Safety Rules to keep in Mind It’s very clear a lot of what people learn about handling firearms comes from…