With it already being the middle of March, you can bet that most of the New Year’s resolutions have gone down the drain. Old habits have fallen back into place, the gym membership you signed up for is taking your hard earned money every month while you sit at home every night. It’s a big trend that a lot of people fall into, myself included. Then the realization sets in that summer will be here before we know it.
Being here in San Diego, the good and bad news is that it’s usually nice all year round. Our “beach weather” seems to come a bit earlier than other parts of the country. The good news being that the small chill of winter is almost gone and the days are quickly getting warmer, the bad news however, is that if you’re like me, you still have some of that winter coat to shed before the beach days are actually here.
So it’s time to hit the weights, get back on the diet and start amping up the cardio. For most gym goers, supplementation is a big part of their regiment, from protein powders, multi-vitamins to pre-workouts and more. In a multi-billion dollar industry and with the hundreds of different brands out there, it’s pretty near impossible to choose what’s going to be best for you. And let’s be honest, how many of us actually take the time to research the crazy amount of ingredients in these things and what they actually do to your body.
With a simple Google search, it’s easy to see what’s at the top of the charts for the month and hop on the ban wagon. One brand you won’t find on the top 10 list (yet) is BN-Labs. I had the opportunity to try out a couple of their pre-workouts and see how they hold up to the leading competition. BN-Labs has a wide variety of products including protein, fat burners, pre-workouts, bcaa’s, vitamins and more. They offer an organic line with vegan plant based designs and a sports nutrition line that is certified drug free which provides athletes with assurances they need when taking BN-Labs supplements.
BN-Lab’s Performance series is made up of 6 different products to help prepare, perform and recover after your activity of choice. Going back to the main focus of this, let’s dive into the ultimate preparation tool we all grab before we start our training. The “Pre-workout, Performance Series,” is designed to provide the perfect source of energy without the jitters, and bad side effects, offering you just the right boost to push through your workout. It is creatine free and is packed with 200mg of caffeine along with other stimulant components which will be included later.
It’s performance was actually quite satisfying. After taking the pre-workout about 15 minutes before I started my routine for the day, I could feel it kicking in. Now there are said to be many benefits to taking this supplement such as an enhanced energy boost, to help speed up your metabolism, increasing your performance and to improve your focus while you’re in the gym. The main one for me being kicking that kick in the behind with my energy. Finding the right motivation to get to the gym in the first place is often tough, so having a pre-workout is a good way to get the pump going and to get the heart rate up a little faster, which is clearly the result of the loaded caffeine and other stimulants in these things. Which is why it’s so important to know the amount and types of ingredients that you’re putting into your body.
The second most appealing aspect was the mental focus that I have been getting since I’ve started using it. I have been able to stay less distracted by what is going on and more in tune with my routine. With the elevated pump, the increase in sweat and the better amount of concentration on my workout has been extremely beneficial. One downside for me, is that I still tend to get some of the jitters the rest of the day, but not nearly as bad as I normally do with other brands.
For real?!
Overall, it has been a good choice in product. The flavor isn’t too bad. I’ve been drinking the watermelon, which goes down pretty smoothly. The only other flavor they offer for this series is a berry mix. It would be nice to see more options in the future. Disclaimer, I have also tried their “Ultimate Pre-workout, Elite series,” which only comes in lemon lime, it was maybe the worst taste I have ever had in my life. I wasn’t even able to get through a single gulp without having to spit it out. So they definitely need a big change with that, so if you’re going to try a pre workout definitely stick to the performance series.
As far as cost goes, I would say it’s right in the middle of the spectrum. For 30 servings (1 scoop), you’re looking at $35. For other brands like C4, Triple X and N.O. Xplode which are all on the “Top Ten List” they range from $25-$50 for the same amount of servings. With the added value of all the extra vitamins and less jitters, it’s definitely a good option for you to try out for yourself.
Lastly, I am not a fitness expert or any type of personal trainer. I recommend doing your own research on whatever supplements you are putting into your body. You know your own body better than anyone else. What works for others, may not offer the same results for you. And let’s get back to basics, what all of these supplements are, are just that, supplementation for where you may need just a little extra boost with your intake. Rely on your diet and intensity of your workouts and living habits to get the personal results you are looking for. Which all can be achieved without having to use any added supplements.
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size, 1 Scoop (10g/0.35oz)
Calories – 15
Total Carbs – 4g
Sugars – 1g
Vitamin C – 200mg
Vitamin B1 – 0.8mg
Vitamin B2 – 0.9mg
Niacin – 10mg
Vitamin B6 – 1g
Folate – 208mcg
Vitamin B12 – 50mcg
Selenium – 150 mcg
Chloride – 60mg
Sodium – 40mg
Potassium – 25mg
Energy Matrix: 3,064mg
Palatinose (isomaltutose), CarnoSyn Beta-alanine, L-Arginine HCI, Caffeine.
Muscle Matrix: 2,240mg
L-Cuitrulline DL-Malate, DMAE, Bitartrate, AstraGin
Taste – 4/5 stars
Cost – 4/5 stars $35.00
Performance – 4/5 stars
Nutrients – 5/5 stars
Mixing – 5/5 stars
Overall – 22/25 stars
Material Disclosure
I received this product as a courtesy from the manufacturer via Spotter Up so I could test it and give my honest feedback. I am not bound by any written, verbal, or implied contract to give this product a good review. All opinions are my own and are based off my personal experience with the product.
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