Keith Dow

Born on the north shore of Boston and raised in New Hampshire, Keith Dow enlisted in the United States Army at 21 years old as a 31B (Military Police) completing combat and law enforcement assignments in Washington, Iraq and Italy. After fulfilling 5 years of active duty, he separated honorably from the Army as a Sergeant. Keith moved to Ontario (Canada) to marry his wife, Nicole. They currently reside in the greater Toronto area with their 4-year-old son and are expecting another addition to the family due in April. Keith is currently enrolled in fulltime studies in the Bachelor of Human Services/Police Studies Degree program at Georgian College, which he plans to utilize when he continues his career in law enforcement. Keith is also the President and co-founder of Ruck 2 Remember, a volunteer organization focused on veteran/first responder causes. For more information about Ruck 2 Remember visit or contact Keith at