Operation Mincemeat: How a Corpse Fooled the Nazis
Charles Cholmondeley and Ewen Montagu, two of the British intelligence officers involved in the planning of Operation Mincemeat, shown in…
In Depth Tactical Solutions
Charles Cholmondeley and Ewen Montagu, two of the British intelligence officers involved in the planning of Operation Mincemeat, shown in…
5.11® has added two new boots that meet the US Army AR 670-1 standards to its collection this Fall: the…
Oleg Gordievsky (right) with US President Ronald Reagan in 1987. Photo: Mary Anne Fackelman – Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Oleg…
Fulton STARS equipped Lockheed MC-130E Combat Talon. Photo: US Air Force. The Fulton surface-to-air recovery system (STARS), also known as…
Moe Berg. Photo: Central Intelligence Agency. Berg made himself unique so comparisons were impossible.” ― Nicholas Dawidoff, The Catcher Was…
Robot fish “Charlie” Photo: Central Intelligence Agency. Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to…
Julia Child gives the KUHT audience a cooking demonstration. Photo: KUHT. Houston Public Broadcasting. Released to public domain. I…
US troops wading through water and Nazi gunfire on Omaha Beach. MI5 double agent Juan Pujol Garcia. played a critical…
CIA officer Miles Copeland Jr. sightseeing in Beirut in the 1950s with, daughter Lennie, and son and future Police drummer…
The discovery of the tunnel was planned as a publicity stunt by the Soviets. It backfired when most press coverage…