I am not a scientist, nor was I very good with chemistry in high school. I want that to be clear, so no one thinks this article is going to dive into some deep science on what makes one lubricant better than another. I am simply going to share my experience with this product, tell you it works exactly as described, and point out where you should get it if you’re in the market.For a bit more about my background and experience with gun lubricants/cleaners the military issued CLP was my first go to simply because it’s what we had. As a Machine Gunner we quickly learn the importance of quality lubrication and how liberally it needed to be applied in some of the older guns, especially the M2. While CLP was authorized the only thing that truly held up was LSA, and that was never around. I spent a lot of time being frustrated with guns constantly going down until my platoon started to simply apply 10W-30 motor oil to the .50’s. It fixed the lack of LSA issue, kept the guns running smoothly, and since we never got caught by the battalion gunner there was no downside.Oil, Grease, and Cleaner. All are great products for any firearm.For my personal guns I spent a brief some time using Frog Lube. I say brief because of the known issues the original formula has in the cold. For my Lejeune Marines that know Corey Circle, the homes there aren’t of the best quality and being on a budget my roommates and I didn’t exactly keep the place warm during the winter. As such my 1911’s and even my Glock would often be sluggish to cycle, and disassembly often revealed a gummy build up. Since leaving Frog Lube I’ve simply used whatever lube was on hand and applied it liberally to my firearms. For the most part if a firearm is of quality manufacture and in good condition, if it’s kept wet you shouldn’t have too many issues arise unless a part fails.When this review was requested, I was a little hesitant to volunteer, going in-depth on a review on the quality of lubricants seemed beyond my capabilities. However, I realized most readers are like me, using what is on hand and works is what is going to be used. For those that don’t know, True Blue’s parent company is Dumonde Tech Motorsports, a well-known lubrication company in the bike and motorsports world. The fact that the company already has an extensive background in such demanding industries speaks well for the potential of their products.Roughly 800 rounds without issueFor the review I took my Beretta Elite LTT that had barely broken 200 rounds in the short timed I’d owned it, cleaned and applied True Blue Gun Oil to the appropriate parts, and haven’t cleaned or reapplied it since. That was June 9th, nearly two months ago. In that time, I have fired roughly 750 rounds of Blazer Brass 115gr and a few magazines of Speer Gold Dot 124gr. Not a tremendous amount to be sure, but budgets are a thing and there are sadly things like groceries and bills that require more attention than my ammo budget.Roughly 800 rounds without a malfunction isn’t truly saying much about the quality of the lubricant. The M92 series of pistol is known for its reliability, when paired with quality magazines. No amount of lubricant could save the ones still in use with the Corps, but this Elite LTT is essentially brand new, so basing my review on the lack of malfunctions in just 800 rounds would be misleading to say the least. What is interesting is that after nearly three months of use without any additional lubricant or cleaning the rails still appear as if they were recently lubricated. Not only are they still wet to the touch, there is not excessive build up of gunk from carrying it daily. While I would recommend someone ensures their carry gun is maintained much more often, I was pleasantly surprised with how well the lubricant held up while also seeming to not attract too much excess debris.Cleaning took very little effort.The oil isn’t the only positive feature, the bottle has some features that are quite welcome. Anyone that’s shot for even a short length of time is sure to have seen what a large variety of bottles and application methods are out there. I have always leaned towards the needle applicators, such as this one has, but True Blue goes a step further. Whenever I throw my gear into my range bag bottles with the needle applicator constantly seem to bend, or I worry too much they will get bent or break and leave them at home. True Blue wanted something better, and as you can see in the pictures their cap encases the entire needle and is secured with a child-proof lock. I haven’t had any leaks from the bottle during my months of use, and the needle has remained undamaged throughout any neglect I threw at it. This allows me to have the lubrication I want, in the bottle I want to use, on hand without worry of making a mess of my range bag and gear.Regarding cleaning, there are many people that put thousands of rounds through their firearms without issue or needing a cleaning. I used to clean my guns after every trip to the range, a habit leftover from too much time spent cleaning in the Marines, but I have slowly left that habit behind. I shoot my guns without cleaning for a few trips before they are cleaned, but they rarely go long stretches with high round counts without at least a quick wipe down and reapplying some lube, especially my carry gun. As you can see in the pictures, or I can at least tell you, the internals were still wet to the touch. This was a great sign and it probably could have gone several thousand rounds without issue. A torture test may have been possible, but I don’t have the budget for that; nor do I want to stomach abusing such a fine firearm as the Elite LTT.I did a simple wipe down with some dry patches of the internals and then sprayed everything down with the True Blue Formula 5 Gun Cleaner. Simply running a few more clean patches over the internals again removed any remaining carbon without requiring much elbow grease or brushing. Some additional benefits to the cleaner are it is 100% biodegradable and it is non-toxic. Obviously, I am not telling anyone to go drinking this stuff, but it brings some of peace of mind knowing that with all the chemicals involved with firearms there’s one less thing to worry about. Simply spray the product on, let it soak for 5-10 minutes, wipe it off completely, and apply your lubricant.True Blue also offers Heater Grease, I was given a 1oz container to test. I’ll be honest, rather than pass myself off as a guy that knows what to do with grease, I will say that other than looking inside the container I haven’t used any. I’ve never known too many shooters that use both grease and oil, usually it’s one or the other. I’ve always favored the oil, but if I ever get to a detail strip of my guns, I know what product I will be using during reassembly. I cannot truly include the grease as part of my review as I clearly haven’t tested it properly but based on my experience with the other two products, I have no doubts about its effectiveness.True Blue products are handy at any range day, and the containers are built to resist damage and prevent any leaks from occurring.True Blue products work. I can’t really state it any way better than that. Lubrication is something we rarely think heavily on, but when you need it, you really need it. Are you going to notice some drastic improvement in the performance of your firearms if you choose to switch? No, I’d be shocked if you did notice a change unless you’ve been running your guns bone dry. What you will get with True Blue is a product that does its job, allowing you to trust that your weapons run smoothly so that you can go back to ignoring your lubricant and focus on shooting.True Blue is also continuing to seek dealers of their fine products. If you wish to know more please contact Andy DeVol through his email, andy@mylifeatspeed.com Andy has been extremely helpful and responsive to all of my questions, and has educated me not just on his products but on aspects of lubrication I had never considered. Even with him being on the west coast he has been extremely accommodating to any questions I had, if you want to build a relationship with True Blue, Andy is the man to go to.Material DisclosureI received this product as a courtesy from the manufacturer via Spotter Up so I could test it and give my honest feedback. I am not bound by any written, verbal, or implied contract to give this product a good review. All opinions are my own and are based off my personal experience with the product.*The views and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the original authors and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Spotter Up Magazine, the administrative staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site. срочный займ на карту без отказа
Ben Johnson spent six years as a USMC Machine Gunner. He deployed three times to Afghanistan as a gunner, team leader, and section leader and left the Marines in 2015. After leaving the Marines he attended college and earned his Bachelors in Business Administration in 2019. He is currently raising his three small sons with his wife, while continuing to learn as much as he can about firearms, and pass that knowledge on. He also dryfires entirely too much in his basement.
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