Chef’s knife is one of the most vital implemented in kitchen storage, due to its effectiveness, and sharpness in slicing and cutting. It is extremely important to master using a Chef Knife since it can help to advance your culinary experience through improved time efficiency, increased safety, and overall enjoyment of the chopping process. In this article, you will be able to learn what a chef knife is and how to use it.

What Is a Chef Knife?

A chef knife is a general-purpose knife distinguished by its broad, sharp edge that gradually merges into a tip. Measuring 6-12 inches overall in size, this basic knife is suitable for many cutting activities in the kitchen, including cutting, slicing, chopping, and dicing. It has a more balanced weight and its handle is well designed for easy grip that gives precise and accurate control when in use making this great for both commercial kitchen and home use. This style is perfect for rocking movements on both standard and thin tabletops of cutting boards helping to chop ingredients for numerous dishes.

How to Hold the Knife?

Grip the Handle

The positioning of the knife handle should be done by placing it on the dominant side of the user’s hand. Ensuring that your fingers have a firmer grip on the handle, without squeezing it too hard, grasp it well. Put a thumb below one of the blade ends that connect to the handle and the index finger at the furthest possible spot. This grip gives you some sort of leverage and control over the utensil to ensure that you cut or fix food items in the right manner. Ensure that you have a tight hold at your hand but one which does not end up straining your hand as you hold the knife.

Pinch Grip

The pinch grip is useful for improved stability and control with great accuracy. Place the side of the blade between your thumb and the first finger of your non-dominant hand and apply pressure to snap it back to your finger. A proper grip enables you to have more direct control of the blade as compared to using a general hold. Your other three fingers should fit around the handle securely, as a result forming a type of hook clasp for your fingers. This method offers greater stability and finer control affording precise slicing when a thin slice is needed, not to mention when more massive cutting is necessary.

Cutting Techniques

Rocking Motion

When cutting using a chef’s knife, one should move in a rocking manner. Place the corner of the knife against the cutting board positioning it such that the tip is touching the surface. When cutting, move the handle up and down, and do not jerk the knife up and down as this can make the cuts jackknife and become dangerous. The way it is performed is very efficient when slicing or dicing foods and this is done while maintaining the stability of the knife. This style of cutting can be very easily done using the curved blade of the chef’s knife which also helps in a rocking motion that is well suitable for cutting herbs, vegetables, etc.


For sharp or brittle food products, one should make straight up and down cuts on the food products. Holding the knife properly, place it across over the surface of what you want to cut, mostly in a vertical position. The manner of cutting must be fast but with care and the blade oriented in a vertical plane to pass through the food. It can be used to cut items such as herbs, garlic, or small vegetables into thin slices or other small sizes. Make certain that your non-dominant hand is using the claw grip guiding the food to avoid positioning your fingers in harm’s way.


Operates knife by holding the handle with thumbs on the bottom front, index, and middle fingers on the blade and to chop food, and cut with forward and downward motion. It is recommended to begin with the knife at a certain distance from the item to be cut – the distance which is on the item’s front side. Extend the hand with the knife and as you press the knife forward you should pull it down equally in order to maintain its contact with the cutting board. It ensures clean, even cuts that are perfect for slicing meats, vegetables, and fruits without the awkwardness of thin slices. In this way, work at a steady and efficient tempo without applying too much pressure to obtain neat and accurate slices.


In the case of making cuts that are thin, the julienne technique is applicable. Since it can be challenging to evenly brown the food, start by cutting it into thin slices. After these slices are made, the next step is to take a few such slices and cut them into thin to medium-sized strips. The final texture of the pasta should be long, thin, and narrow like the cross-section of a match. This method is normally applied on vegetables such as carrot, cumber, bell pepper since they are usually placed in stir fry meal or salads where they need to be well cooked and to look artistic.

Hand Positioning

  • Claw Grip: The claw grip of the utensils should be applied by your non-dominant hand when picking foods. This can be done best by forming a fist with your fingers, and then bending the fingers in so that the knuckles follow the blade. This makes it easier to handle food and protects the fingers from blades in a manner that’s easier than using gloves.
  • Guiding Hand: While handling the food, the hand opposite to the dominant one should be used to guide the food while at the same time maintaining the claw grip.

Knife Care


Sharpen often with a sharpener stone or honing rod so that the knife has frequent sharpness to it.


This is perhaps the most gentle washing that your knife can ever receive – simply, you can wash it gently using some diluted soap and water. Dry, as soon as possible, to minimize the chances of forming rust.


It is recommended you put your knife where it can be propped on the edge such as in a knife block, a magnetic strip, or a protective sleeve.

Safety Tips

  • Stabilize Your Cutting Board: You should also ensure that the cutting board is secured on the kitchen counter by placing a damp towel or non-slip mat beneath it to avoid being slippery.
  • Cut on a Stable Surface: Check that the cutting board will not slip during cutting and it must be positioned firmly and securely.
  • Focus: Remember to be keen when making the cuts. This is true because not focusing for even a short time on a given task greatly increases the risk of an accident
  • Cut Away from Your Body: Adhere to safety guidelines to ensure that you always leave your body out of bounds.

Practice and Patience

  1. Start Slow: To be more accurate, it is advisable that you practice at a slower rate first to determine the appropriate style or method in practicing drums.
  2. Consistency: Lack of random slicing can help achieve uniform soiling which is preferred.


The grip and slicing methods are some of the things that one must know while handling the chef knife as a basic cooking utensil. Thus, mastering basic grip techniques like the correct handle and pinch grip movements, and extending the cutting techniques like the rocking motion, chopping, slicing, and julienne, will enable you to tackle most of the kitchen challenges while being as accurate as possible. It is wise to use the above cookware regularly and at the same time observe safety measures hence leading to the joyful and effective use of cookware. These skills should be practical for anyone interested in learning how to cook any recipe to the best of their ability.

By Michael Kurcina

Mike credits his early military training as the one thing that kept him disciplined through the many years. He currently provides his expertise as an adviser for an agency within the DoD. Michael Kurcina subscribes to the Spotter Up way of life. “I will either find a way or I will make one”.

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