Every Day Carry (EDC) is a lifestyle concept that has been floating around for a good time now. As many well know, there is no single guideline to EDC items, but rather a plethora of different opinions of what one should carry in their everyday kit. When you look at pictures of people’s EDC kits, you see a dangerous stuff along with the more mundane objects. There are a lot of knives, weapons, tourniquets, brass knuckles etc. And there are some weird looking designer tools (that can also be used as brass knuckles), beads, small gyroscopes and stuff like that (we find such things in your EDC kit just odd).
While it is very helpful in these troubled times to review one’s thoughts about the stuff you carry around with the help of others, we feel that there is no single right way to select your everyday carry. Rather you should hone your own kitlist according to the situations that you might face in your line of work, the place you live etc. This is why our kit lists do not hold exciting and grand things like concealed carry firearms or extremely combative knives, because our lifestyles do not warrant for such items (AND because it is illegal in Finland for ordinary people to do so).
My EDC varies a lot. When I took this picture I was thinking more “cool” than what I actually do carry, although the base items are still there. Lately I have found myself thinking of defense because of the restlessness in around the world and preparation for sudden situations, like power shortage, because of a certain incident at work in the heart of winter. So these are more or less the items I have about me in my bag or in my pockets during a regular day.
– Iphone 4S with a quality leather case/wallet from Costco, the wallet carries my with essential cards too.
– Casio AW-48H watch. I have several watches, but this is with me most of the time, because of it’s features, lightness and compact size. And it is cheap too!
– Victorinox Climber. For all those gentlemanly soldiering situations, like emergency wine and cheese.
-Triple aught design iComm pouch. Meant for a smartphone, but I carry the following two items in it because this pouch with it’s holdings is easy to relocate from my hiking kit to my work bag. It helps me get organized quickly.
– Böcker AK74 folder. I mainly carry this on hikes and camping, but it also serves a purpose in my range kit. Awesome, quality knife.
– XGlow A1 flashlight. This is actually a bummer of a flashlight. I bought it with a nice discount and it has quite good bright beam, but the pocket clip on it broke after a few weeks and the switch seems to have a life of it’s own. Eventually I will have to upgrade it, but this will do for now.
– The Triple Aught Design’s field cap and the 3M shades do not really belong to my EDC kit, but I just wanted to show them out too.
– Then there are my note books. I recently started using Field Notes when I acquired a few of them from a trip to London (I thought that they did not have a local dealer in Finland, but Blue just informed me as I was writing this that there actually is! Goodbye money… welcome all the new note books!). I really do love the quality and the feel of their note books. Also the size is just right and optimized for EDC.
I myself take a very literal approach to EDC. I pretty much only carry the essentials to my daily life, things without I wouldn’t probably make it through the day. Nothing especially tacticool or overt, but simple, civilian style gear.
For now that is. I do love all of that tacticool and nifty EDC gear one can find all over the internet, but I always tend to revert to just the essentials in my daily life, so I haven’t gotten to acquiring such items.
Though there’s not much more I would carry that I’m already carrying, and that’s mostly since I don’t feel the need for carrying a folding/fixed blade or a firearm with me, and because of the local laws.
So, what do I carry then and why?
Backpack – Haglöfs Backup – Essentially my School/EDC pack, most of the time with me. Nothing fancy, very civvy, but has worked great.
Samsung Galaxy S4 – To stay connected/emergency call capability.
Keys – Well, obvious keys are obvious. Let’s me into places I have them for. Also a USB-drive hangin’ in there.
Wallet – My pocket economy. Also holds ID’s and other important cards.
Leatherman Rebar – A multitool is always hand. You never know when you need it.
Bus card – My daily transit depends on this, nuff’ said
Polar RS300X Sports watch – Main time-piece, something I’m still trying to get used to wear. Functions as a HRM too for exercise.
Compact umbrella – Always on the bottom of my backpack, even if i carry my Arc’teryx Hardshell with me. A gentleman always has an umbrella for the ladies!
Personal medicine – Not pictured, but something I always have in my pack in case.
What would I possibly add to my EDC in the future then, and why?
– A small first aid kit/sealed pressure bandage – You never know when you might need to save yourself or someone else’s life.
– A proper flashlight – I used to have one, but managed to lose it, who knows where.
So, this was our EDC gear and why we carry these things. We’ll probably do some more EDC related stuff in the future so stay tuned!
– Noble & Blue