Coming from the perspective of someone like me, who considers myself a carnivorous creature by nature, the idea of anything vegan sets off some defensive mental barriers. I make the natural assumption that anything can be improved by the addition of animal products. So it was with a great sense of trepidation that I went to take my first sip from my protein shake made with BN Labs Mixed Berry protein powder.
To say that I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. I have tried many different flavors and brands of protein powders throughout the years. Some have been better than others, but the overriding theme is that the vanilla tastes like chalk, the chocolate tastes like cocoa chalk, and you just don’t want to try the berry. All of them in general have the same gritty consistency, and overall, they are something to be endured, not enjoyed.
[amazon_link asins=’B01LZ1EFPN,B06ZYSFKTC’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’spoup-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’6d03d3e6-1387-11e8-83ba-6d6f05c173d9′]
The mixed berry protein from BN labs was quite different. The flavor is actually really good, and there is far less of the gritty texture than I have come to expect with protein shakes (that’s not saying that it’s gone entirely, just greatly reduced from normal levels). I’m not sure of how to convince you, loyal reader, of this with words; but I will try my best. I won’t hold it against you if you can’t believe me on this. When Mike (CEO of Spotter Up) told me I had to try this stuff, I thought he was pranking me right up until I tried it. But hear me out, and I’ll make a believer out of you.
So we established that my position is that the flavor and the texture are, almost arguably, better than the average protein shake. One might ask, “How could this occur by removing any animal based product?” My belief is that it is not from the removal of these products that this powder gets its power, but instead because of what they then rely on to create the powder.
I believe that both of these attributes can be largely contributed to the natural ingredients and lack of fillers. According to the company website, “Our Vegan Protein is made from organic plant based raw materials. It is dairy, gluten and soy free. It contains no artificial flavors, sweeteners or filler.” (It’s also GMO free, if you were interested) All you are getting with this product are the necessary elements from organic and plant based proteins to make a killer protein shake. And not having to rely on artificial sweeteners to make their shake palatable makes a huge difference.
But one does not sit back with a muscle-building shake to enjoy the flavor and bask in the sun; not unless that sun is beating down on your beloved training grounds! So how does this stuff stack up when compared to some of its animal parts containing counterparts? In each scoop of BN labs vegan protein powder, you are getting 27G of protein. By comparison, Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard whey protein powder has 24G of protein per serving. To be fair, it also has slightly more calories per serving, at 134 (compared to ON’s 120 calories). BN labs protein is also rich in, “naturally occurring BCAA’s (branch chain amino acids) and Glutamine.”
My personal experience with this powder has been very positive overall. Every time I have it, I have plenty of energy for my workouts, and I have been adding muscle on steadily. My only complaint is that there is still a little bit of the gritty texture to it, but as I stated earlier, it is far reduced from normal levels, almost to the point of being completely negligible. A price comparison with other similar products finds it at about average, with 30 servings for 49.99. For a product that, in my opinion, is superior to most of its counterparts, that’s not too bad at all.
Product Information
Material Disclosure
I received this product as a courtesy from the manufacturer via Spotter Up so I could test it and give my honest feedback. I am not bound by any written, verbal, or implied contract to give this product a good review. All opinions are my own and are based off my personal experience with the product.
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