Welcome to the final week of our first mesocycle. After this week we’ll take a reload week and then get ready to hit it again.
Remember on these sprints that I want you to fully recover between each effort. We are focused on speed development here, not conditioning.
Take a few warmup sets to get to around 80% of your heavy single from last week, then hit 5 pause squat singles. Go heavy on the DB Bulgarian Split Squats and challenge yourself.
On the second strength portion we are hitting a weighted 3 rep cluster every minute for 10 minutes. This means that you will do one weighted pull-up, hop off the bar for a few breaths, then hit your next one. Your weight should be more than what you can do for 3 strict dead hang pull-ups if you weren’t to come off the bar. Clusters allow us get the same amount volume in while overloading the weight.
We have one of our benchmark engine builders today. Push it for 10 minutes and make sure you record your score.