The engine work today should be done as a tempo run. If we are talking in terms of RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) and 10 is maximal effort, then these should be a 6-8. I’ve also heard tempo runs described as “comfortably hard.”
For the trunk work I need you to stop your clock whenever you take a rest. Try to complete it in as few sets as possible and give me 5 working minutes.
We are working on our ankles during the durability work. For all the tactical athletes out there, you may be the strongest person in the gym, but it means nothing if you’re hurt and can’t perform your job. As we add load and maneuver over uneven terrain we become very susceptible to injury, particularly if we aren’t actively working to mitigate it. You Ranger grads that walked sideways across the slope of every mountain in Dahlonega know what I’m talking about.

By Brian T

Hey guys, I'm Brian. I've been in the military around 11 years at this point in 11 and 18 series jobs. I started Modern Athlete Strength Solutions not just to give it the cool nickname of MASS, but to provide free strength and conditioning training to those that want to cut through the BS, not pay $100 for a generic program, and develop their athleticism through qualified S&C coaches. I am also the Executive Director at Operation RSF, a 501c3 non-profit that provides education and community initiatives on how fitness benefits mental health.

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