On the Power Cleans I want you to build to a heavy 3. You don’t have to perform these as touch and goes, but don’t waste a lot of time resetting yourself after each rep. On the box step up choose a box height where your thigh is around parallel to the ground. Place one foot on the box with a slight bend in your back knee. Upon execution, drive the knee from your rear leg towards your chest, finishing with a vertical torso. Hit all reps on one side before transitioning to the other. The whole point behind this is that we are developing our sprint mechanics and developing power in the movement.
For the Med Ball work, you can find a movement video on YouTube. We’re pairing some lateral movement with power development in the transverse plane.
For our engine work, I used an Atlas Stone. You can also use a sandbag in the front carry. Go heavy on the Farmers Carry and make it challenging.