Who is PHLster?

For many of you, the name PHLster may be familiar. They produce excellent holsters, as well as many accessories such as the Flex (https://spotterup.com/52117-2/ ) and Flatpack. They also produce a selection of medical items, one of which is the fantastically versatile Pocket Emergency Wallet, or PEW.

I must admit, I was eager to check this product out. I’ve carried a tourniquet daily for a long time, but have wanted a way to carry some more medical items on my person. Ankle kits are nice, but I live in a warm climate and wear shorts much of the year. Many of the kits on the market billed as “EDC” kits are really not; they tend to either be very bulky and impractical to carry on a belt, or are thin but lacking in capabilities. Enter the PEW: a versatile carry solution whose use is truly only limited by one’s imagination.

The Pocket Emergency Wallet

The PEW is simple but ingenious in design. It is constructed of heavy duty elastic, like many of today’s magazine and other tactical pouches. It is sewn into an open ended pouch, with three pockets. One is designed for a pair of nitrile/latex gloves, but can be used for other items too. It is tubular and on one end of the wallet. The other two pockets run the width of the wallet. There is no belt loop or mole or any attachment method. This keeps the wallet slick for pocket carry.

The PEW was originally designed to hold 1 pair of nitrile gloves, a H&H Mini Compression Bandage, and a packet of compressed gauze. With these items, the PEW is about an inch thick. The PEW will easily hold a QC Combat Gauze or Celox Rapid Ribbon, but the overall package will be thicker. It will also hold a package of WoundClot. One of the beautiful things about the PEW is the versatility.

How Versatile Can It Be?

The combination of items you can carry is great. Hyfin Compact Chest Seals will fit, but will stick out of the top of PEW about an inch. Roush and Fox Chest Seals will fit as well. H&H Mini ETD dressings will fit. In place of gloves, you can carry an NPA (thread some 550 cord thru it to keep it from collapsing). You can also carry a decompression needle there. Flat folded tape also fits nicely.

As stated earlier, the combination of items is nearly limitless. With careful selection, you can have a near complete IFAK in a package that comes in under an inch thick. The PEW is designed for pocket carry, and easily fits the back pocket of jeans. It can even fit some front pants pockets.

This leads into the next point of versatility, which is the way the PEW can be carried. The thin profile and slickness from no attachment loops mean it also fits perfect in other areas. Cargo pockets, suit or jacket pockets, laptop bag pockets, and pockets inside of back packs all work great. Additionally, the PEW fits nicely into any area of my wife’s purse, allowing her to have items on hand as well. The PEW works great at keeping medical items organized and together inside of other areas, such as a center console of a vehicle or a pouch on a tool belt. Again, it’s uses are infinite!

Another nice aspect of the PEW is that it provides a layer of protection to the packaging of the items you’re carrying. If carried by themselves in a pocket, the vacuum sealed pouches will inevitably become punctured and or torn. This is coming from personal experience. The PEW helps alleviate this by providing a barrier to the packaging. The PEW is also able to be used one handed, which is to say the contents can be accessed one handed. This is a must have feature of an EDC medical kit, in my opinion.

The PEW retails for $29.98 for an empty sleeve, or $64.99 for a fully stocked kit. I believe the PEW represents amazing value, versatility, ingenuity, adaptability and concealability. It is definitely worth a look. The PEW can be found here: https://www.phlsterholsters.com/shop/pocket-emergency-wallet/

Cost: 5/5
Comfort: 5/5
Durability: 5/5
Functionality: 5/5
Weight: 5/5
Overall Rating: 25/25 – Excellent

Material Disclosure

I received this product as a courtesy from the manufacturer via Spotter Up so I could test it and give my honest feedback. I am not bound by any written, verbal, or implied contract to give this product a good review. All opinions are my own and are based off my personal experience with the product.

*The views and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the original authors and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Spotter Up Magazine, the administrative staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site.

By Frank H

Frank H. is a current law enforcement officer in the southeastern US serving on patrol and the department Special Response Team. Frank has served 12 years in the US Army, 7 of those years in Special Operations and has combat experience in Iraq and the Horn of Africa. He holds multiple certifications through FEMA and DHS, in active shooter response, and other tactical disciplines. When he finds time off he enjoys being with his family, enjoying the outdoors, and a good drink.

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