This show, as always, was a true honour to create.
Originally planned to be Pat McNamara of Delta Force, Joe Hotai of Australian SAS and Clint Emerson of Seal Team 6 and CIA, Clint couldn’t make it due to a book launch commitment for ” The Rugged Life”. SO as always with Special Forces types, we pushed on and achieved the mission objective (Sorry Clint) and it turned out to be an amazing show.We spoke about how Special Forces skills can carry over to everyday life and self defence. The differences and similarities between the units they have all worked for, and worked alongside.
Pat served with the US Green Berets, Served in the Cold War in Berlin and Soviet Germany and then on to 12 yrs in Delta Force and finished the Sergeants Major Academy.
Joe served in the NZ Army, Passed NZSAS Selection and Cycle of training. He then served with 4 RAR Commandos and went on to pass Australian SAS Selection and served with them for 5 yrs.
They speak with such wisdom and humility and I am sure you will be surprised at their openness. From Seal Team 6, Ranger Battalion, FBI HRT, British SAS, US Airforce JTAC to name a few- they have worked with them all. Watch out for the middle of. the show where I may be the only person who has stumped Pat with a question!! It is hilarious.
This show is a rare insight into the mindset of former Special Forces Operators and how we are currently using our knowledge, training and skills to help others, ourselves, and our loved ones.
Thanks to Pat and Joe once again for being guests and creating such awesome content for the world audience and I look forward to the next time we chat. You can find JOE at- and on INSTA at-
You can find PAT at and on INSTA at
And shout out again for Clint Emerson’s new book The Rugged Life on Amazon.
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