Pakistani military forces conducted a raid on a suspected hideout of militants in a region formerly under the influence of the Pakistani Taliban, located near the Afghanistan border. This operation resulted in a confrontation that led to the demise of three militants, as reported by the military on Tuesday.

Among the casualties in the late Monday shootout in the Khyber district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province was a prominent militant commander, as confirmed in a statement released by the military.

The military refrained from divulging further specifics regarding the operation, emphasizing that the targeted militants had previously engaged in hostilities against Pakistani troops. It’s worth noting that the Pakistani Taliban, also known as Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan or TTP, though distinct from the Afghan Taliban, have established alliances with them. This synergy has grown stronger since the Afghan Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan two years ago, coinciding with the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces after two decades of conflict.

This shift in power dynamics in Afghanistan has emboldened the Pakistani Taliban, leading to an escalation in their attacks against law enforcement and military personnel.

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