This is a discussion on how I would set up a helmet based on several questions I have gotten on my IG account. I discuss the types of helmets, accessories used, and positives and negatives of some of the items and configurations. Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe. This will be the start of a series of Kit setup video discussions. Cheers!
By Fred
Fred is a 20-year veteran of the Army Special Operations Command and the owner of Storm Tactical Consulting, Fred served as a Special Forces Medic for a number of years before trying out and getting selected to serve as an operator in a Special Missions Unit. Over a long career, Fred has served as an Assaulter, Breacher, Medic, Sniper, Human Intel Specialist, and finishing up as a Dog Handler. Fred’s background 20 years of service as an 18 Delta Green Beret Medic, and later as an operator in the Army’s Special Missions Unit