Members of the Maquis in La Trésorerie (a hamlet part of Wimille, near Boulogne-sur-Mer, France). 14 September 1944. Donald I. Grant, Department of National Defence. Library and Archives of Canada.

The French Resistance, known as “La Résistance” in French, was a collection of groups that fought against the Nazi occupation and the collaborationist Vichy régime in France during the Second World War. One of the most notable factions of the French Resistance was the Maquis.

The Maquis (pronounced [maˈki]) were rural guerrilla bands of French and Belgian Resistance fighters, also known as maquisards. They were active during the German military administration in occupied France. The term “maquis” refers to both the group of fighters and their rural location.

The Maquis emerged in 1943 and were also active in 1944. Initially, they were composed of young, mostly working-class men who had escaped into the mountains and woods to avoid conscription into Vichy France’s Service du travail obligatoire (STO), which provided forced labor for Germany. To avoid capture and deportation to Germany, they became increasingly organized into active resistance groups.

German soldiers parade on the Champs Élysées on 14 June 1940 (Bundesarchiv.) Attribution: Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1994-036-09A / CC-BY-SA 3.0 DE DEED.

The Maquis groups were diverse, including right-wing nationalists, liberals, socialists, communists, and anarchists. Some Maquis bands that operated in southwest France were composed entirely of left-wing Spanish veterans of the Spanish Civil War. Despite their diverse backgrounds and ideologies, these groups united under a common cause: to resist the Nazi occupation and the collaborationist Vichy régime.One such group was the Francs-Tireurs et Partisans (FTP), a paramilitary organization created and controlled by the French Communist Party. The FTP was a major section of the French Resistance, which was divided into three major sections based on political or professional inclinations.

Another significant section of the French Resistance was the Armée secrète (AS). Like the FTP, the AS played a crucial role in resisting the Nazi occupation and the collaborationist Vichy régime.

One of the most notable Maquis groups was the Maquis of Vercors. This group was active in the Vercors Plateau, a scenic refuge for the Maquis. They carried out sabotage and partisan operations against the Germans.

Following the Normandy Invasion of 6 June 1944, the Maquis of Vercors declared the Free Republic of Vercors and attempted to create a conventional army to oppose the German occupation. However, the uprising was premature, and in July 1944, up to 10,000 German soldiers invaded the massif, resulting in the death of more than 600 maquisards and 200 civilians. This operation was Germany’s largest anti-partisan operation in Western Europe.

Members of the French Maquis. 7 August 1944. Archives Branch, USMC History Division.

Challenges Faced

During the Second World War, the Maquis groups faced a multitude of challenges. One of the primary challenges was avoiding capture and deportation to Germany. The Maquisards, primarily young working-class men, had fled to the mountains and forests to evade conscription into the Service du travail obligatoire (STO) of Vichy France, which enforced labor for Germany.

The Maquis operated in the remote or mountainous regions of Brittany and southern France, particularly in the Alps and Limousin. Survival in these harsh conditions while conducting resistance activities was another significant challenge they faced.

Resource constraints were another hurdle for the Maquis. They relied on guerrilla tactics to harass the Milice and German occupation troops, often with limited resources and equipment at their disposal.

The risk of torture, death, or being sent to concentration camps, where survival rates were low, was a constant threat for captured Maquis. Some Maquis groups did not take prisoners, leading some German soldiers to prefer surrendering to Allied soldiers rather than facing the Maquisards.

Internal differences also posed challenges within the Maquis. The Communist Maquis groups employed more active and immediate guerrilla tactics against the Nazis, while the groups affiliated with De Gaulle were instructed to wait for a larger attack later in the war.

SOE and OSS Support

The British Special Operations Executive (SOE) and the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) played significant roles in supporting the Maquis during World War II. The SOE helped the Maquis with supplies and agents. They provided the necessary equipment and training to help the Maquis carry out their resistance activities effectively. The OSS also began to send its own officers to France in cooperation with the SOE and the French BCRA agents. This was part of Operation Jedburgh, which was aimed at supporting the local resistance movements in occupied territories. The OSS agents helped coordinate the efforts of the Maquis and provided them with valuable intelligence and logistical support. These international collaborations greatly enhanced the capabilities of the Maquis, enabling them to carry out more effective resistance activities against the German occupation.

Maquisards (Resistance fighters) in the vicinity of Savournon, Hautes-Alpes in August 1944. SOE agents are second from right, Krystyna Skarbek (Christine Granville), third John Roper, fourth, Robert Purvis. Imperial War Museum,

Role and Impact

Despite the challenges, the Maquis made significant contributions to the French Resistance and played a pivotal role in the liberation of France. They played a significant role in facilitating the Allies’ rapid advance through France following the invasion of Normandy on 6 June 1944. Members provided military intelligence on German defenses known as the Atlantic Wall, and on Wehrmacht deployments and orders of battle. The Resistance also planned, coordinated, and executed sabotage acts on electrical power grids, transport facilities, and telecommunications networks.

The actions of the Resistance, including the Maquis, contrasted with the collaborationism of the Vichy régime. After the Allied landings in Normandy and Provence, the paramilitary components of the Resistance formed a hierarchy of operational units known as the French Forces of the Interior (FFI) with around 100,000 fighters in June 1944. By October 1944, the FFI had grown to 400,000 members. The amalgamation of the FFI was ultimately successful and allowed France to rebuild the fourth-largest army in the European theatre (1.2 million men) by VE Day in May 1945.

French Forces of the Interior (FFI) and Paris policemen inspect the execution chamber used during the German occupation in the cellars of the former Ministry of Aviation building in Paris. (Photograph taken after liberation). Imperial War Museum Collection, American (US) Embassy Second World War Photograph Library: Classified Print Collection.

Lessons Learned

The Maquis offers several significant lessons. Despite confronting a formidable enemy and enduring severe conditions, the Maquis exemplified the power of resistance, proving that it is possible to resist even under the most challenging circumstances.

Despite being composed of diverse groups with varying political and ideological backgrounds, they managed to unite under a shared cause: resisting the Nazi occupation. This unity was not a given; it was forged in the crucible of war and occupation. The Maquisards had to overcome their ideological differences and work together to resist a common enemy. This required a high degree of cooperation, coordination, and mutual respect among the different groups. The unity of the Maquis was further reinforced by their shared experiences and the harsh conditions they faced. Living and fighting together in the mountains and forests, they developed a strong sense of camaraderie and solidarity. The Maquis’ unity was not just about resisting the Nazi occupation. It was also about envisioning and fighting for a better future for France.

The Maquisards were acutely aware of the risks associated with their actions, which included the potential for torture, death, or deportation to concentration camps. Nevertheless, they chose to fight for their country and their freedom, demonstrating the value of sacrifice.

Effective leadership, as exemplified by leaders such as Georges Guingouin, was instrumental in organizing and motivating the Maquis, highlighting the role of leadership in resistance movements. Despite the differences between the networks, Guingouin managed to set up a large Maquis between Châteauneuf-la-Forêt and Chamberet. His actions demonstrate how effective leadership can galvanize a group, inspire collective action, and ultimately contribute to significant historical outcomes. 

The Maquis employed effective guerilla tactics that were instrumental in their success. operated in rural areas, particularly in the mountains and woods, which provided them with natural cover and the element of surprise. They relied on hit-and-run attacks, sabotage, and ambushes to disrupt German operations. These tactics were designed to inflict maximum damage while minimizing the risk to the Maquisards..

International support, particularly from organizations like the British SOE and the American OSS, was crucial in equipping the Maquis with the necessary resources, training, and intelligence. These international collaborations greatly enhanced the capabilities of the Maquis, enabling them to carry out more effective resistance activities against the German occupation. The support from the SOE and OSS underscores the significance of international support in the success of resistance efforts. Without this support, the Maquis might not have been able to resist as effectively as they did. This highlights the importance of international cooperation in resistance movements and the broader war effort.

Final Thoughts

The Maquis, as part of the French Resistance, played a crucial role in the liberation of France during World War II. Their courage and determination continue to be a symbol of resistance and freedom.

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By Eugene Nielsen

Eugene Nielsen provides protective intelligence and consulting services. He has a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of California. His byline has appeared in numerous national and international journals and magazines.

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