Cuban Spies Among Us: The FBI’s Hunt for Castro’s Mole
South courtyard of the Harry S. Truman Building in Washington, D.C., headquarters of the United States Department of State, where…
In Depth Tactical Solutions
South courtyard of the Harry S. Truman Building in Washington, D.C., headquarters of the United States Department of State, where…
Adnan Khashoggi’s Mount Kenya Safari Club, from which the alliance derives its name. Attribution: Collectie Wereldmuseum (v/h Tropenmuseum), part of…
The iconic bullwhip and hat used by Indiana Jones. Photo by Gary Stewart / CC BY 3.0. During World War…
The OSS Gallery at the CIA Museum at the George Bush Center for Intelligence, Virginia. All warfare is based on…
Commandos in action during raid on island of Vågsøy, 27 December 1941. Photo by Malindine, E G (Lt), War Office…
Remains of the Alamut Castle in Qazvin, Iran. Photo by Alireza Javaheri / CC BY 3.0 Copped/DEED. Cropped. The Hashshashin,…
Camouflage tree drawing. UK Ministry of Information. Imperial War Museum. We all know about the Trojan Horse, but what about…
A later model OH-6 Cayuse, modified with black paint, similar to the helicopters used in the operation. Photo: James Dale…
Eddie Chapman beside his Rolls Royce. Source: MI5 – UK National Archive declassified documents (over 50 years). Edward Arnold Chapman, known…
A 1:1 scale model of a Luna 3 satellite at the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow. In the early…