Whether a man sings or paints, writes or dances some piece of his art should be his confessional, of what he did and what he saw. He should create out of what seems unspeakable and incommunicable to the world until there isn’t a need to do it any longer, until he feels peace away from the most inhumane part of himself. If he only trained his hands for destruction he must train them in techniques of construction. He should be possessed to produce even if he can’t replace a single thing that he destroyed; he must learn how to bring good into the world out of the strange places where he chose his exile, and the strange people who chose to love him, or the people he hated, shunned, injured or killed. Every man who knows the snake knows the sword, fire, banishment and a gate that shuts forever. He is only damned if he doesn’t choose to control his destiny with his experiences and knowledge.”~Michael Kurcina May 3, 2020
Sometimes all men or women need is a simple solution to help them with their complex problem by reading a quote. It helps them reframe and refocus so they can continue on their way in life. We Wrestle Silently is a book for those who have some kind of silent struggle in their existence, and are looking for something that will help them fight back. This book isn’t just for those with military or law-enforcement backgrounds, it is for anyone who is actively engaged in some kind of battle in life and they want to use the lessons they’ve learned to become better versions of themselves.
Learning is the process of acquiring new preferences, attitudes, knowledge, skills, understanding, or values. We’re told that the character Jacob, in the Bible, wrestled with God and came away with some lessons learned. Many of us are wrestling with our self and we do it silently. We don’t always ask for help when we’re struggling; it could be a small or large problem. For those who like to read, I hope you get something out of reading this short book. ‘Chew’ on some of the quotes herein; agree, or disagree but I hope you get something and come away with a new perspective on your life.
This book is meant to be a companion piece to my first book, We Fight Monsters. Why did I write this book? We Wrestle Silently is a collection of quotes that I wrote over a period of two years on Instagram. People from all over the world messaged me and explained that many of my short-stories and quotes inspired them to change course. Many of those quotes can be found in my first book, We Fight Monsters, but this book also has a lot of new material not found there. It’s meant to be a pocket book to read no matter where you are. Every day when disappointment makes us die a little death, we must attempt to make something good come out of any crippling hurt or private terror. My goal with this book was to give people a little bit of mental and spiritual refreshment, as they stopped at the oasis of their life, and once renewed got up so they could continue on their journey a bit wiser. I hope I didn’t fail at my task. God bless you.
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