“My Sword is your Shield” or in Dutch’s words- “My Gun is your shield” Having spent decades in US Special Forces and Delta Force- Dutch has been blown up, shot at and been through intensely life changing events -and yet is one of the most positive role models I have met.
A brilliant interview where he touches on his work now at www.dutchchrismoyer.com teaching civilian and LEO (cops) how to stay safe and go home to their families each night- alive.
Dutch epitomises “Humour and Humility” and is a credit to all veterans and there are pearls of wisdom here that everyone can benefit from and he really does pay it forward.
Quotes like these give you a taste of “Act like you’ve been there before” “Accept the challenge” “Decline is a choice- choose better” “Don’t let a problem become your identity”
I am Damian Porter , sleep stress and human nutrition coach from www.eatwellmovewell.net and you are listening to my straight talk mind and muscle podcast sponsored by www.realketonesaustralia.com the best and most effective ketone supplement on the market