The Landsknechts: Mercenaries who Captured King Francis I
The 16th century witnessed the rise of the formidable Landsknechts, a renowned mercenary force that played a significant role in…
In Depth Tactical Solutions
The 16th century witnessed the rise of the formidable Landsknechts, a renowned mercenary force that played a significant role in…
0:00 Acting and Family 9:20 Childhood influence and Military Service 18:38 Racism and refusing to be anything but an American…
Dry fire training is an essential component of improving your skills as a shooter. For anyone reading this that is…
mercenary, hired professional soldier who fights for any state or nation without regard to political interests or issues. 1.The Ten…
While there were no coffee shops on every corner in Europe during WWI, American soldiers and sailors could still get…
U.S. Navy Photo A combative mindset is a way of thinking that involves being ready to face and overcome challenges,…