Move and Shoot or Shoot and Move, which is the correct terminology? Which came first the Egg or the Chicken? It doesn’t matter, as long as I do something and know “What’s My Next Move”. Since the question has come up, let’s break it down.

First in order to shoot there is a movement: stance, grip, and draw, non-shooting hand meets gun and trigger squeeze. And then there’s the Move: move left or right, forward or backward, up or down, so I won’t be a static target, which makes me a hard target.

Each move you make should be a set up for your next move.

Some think you have to be a Ninja or like NEO, in Matrix, in order to dodge an attack. Even Neo was hit in the leg after the 50th bullet. But what may have kept him from being hit 49 times; he moved something and didn’t stand there doing nothing. Moving a half step left or right will make the difference between being shot in the head and staying in the fight. Have you ever played dodge ball? The concept is move and don’t get hit, stand still and you will get hit.


Foot work is an important component in defensive shooting. It has to be practiced over and over to make it a natural move. If you have the weapon drawing technique down then drawing on the move should be easy. Every step you make, every turn of the body gives you a new perspective of your surroundings, whether you’re inside or outside. If an attack happens you should be able to use your surroundings to your advantage.

You should be looking for an egress route or something that can be put between you and the bad guy such as a garbage can, a box, distance even. The key to all of this is getting away from the threat as quick as possible. We don’t want to get into a crack house shoot out, but find a way out or make a way out of the situation we’re in.
Is shooting in a defensive manner somewhat different than shooting at static cardboard targets? All the basic fundamentals apply except the stance, hence “move and shoot”. When shooting in the defensive mode more than likely you are being attacked and the attacker is moving in such a manner that while you’re getting your stance together the bad guy/gal is beating you, raping you and in some cases killing your family, including the dog.

A center mass shot can be made standing on one leg, lying down, leaning up against a wall, walking forward or backward, one handed or even lying on your back. So to answer the question, both are correct and should be implemented in your training sessions.

Train yourself to win at all costs. Only “YOU” can make the difference between surviving and giving up. Don’t put yourself in a position you can’t get out of, and always have a backup plan for the backup plan.

By Sam

Sam has been in federal law enforcement for 6 years. During his brief time with his agency he was tasked to play an intricate role in the successful organization of a Tactical Response Team. He has trained with some of the top law enforcement agencies and shooting/tactics instructors in the US. His prior experience came from approx. 9 years of local law enforcement working in one of the top five most dangerous areas in America. Of those years, 7 were spent on the city SWAT Team, 2 years in Street Crimes and he spent hundreds of additional hours working DUI. Sam has over 200 tactical missions under his belt, and over 400 drug and warrant arrests. During his career in law enforcement he successfully completed and received several certifications to include: • Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy • Federal Law Enforcement Training Academy (FLETC) • NRA Law Enforcement handgun/shotgun Instructor • Basic Firearm Instructor • Basic Tactics Instructor • Law Enforcement Instructor Training Program • General Instructor • Rappel Master/Instructor • SWAT Level 1 Certification • Basic/Advanced SWAT Certification (Illinois State Police) • Active Shooter Response • Individual Protective Measures Training Program • Protective Service Operations Training Program • Dignitary and Witness Protection for Law Enforcement (LEGION) • High Risk Environmental Protection Program (LEGION) • First Aid/CPR/TCCC • Hand to hand assault/counter assault • Advanced defensive driving Sam was deployed to an active war zone for several months, where he was a team leader for motorcade movements while overseas in hostile territory. His responsibilities were scheduled pick-up/drop-offs, route recon, advanced firearms training and emergency Quick Response Force training for his team. Jay subscribes to the Spotter Up way of life. “I will either find a way or I will make one”.

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