wing chun

Wing Chun has been a special agent in federal law enforcement for well over 15 years. During that time he has been able to do, and be part of, things he would never have imagined. As an operator on different teams he has performed domestic and overseas missions. His experience encompasses various cases where he was able to work in different capacities. For a time, he worked with different agencies with special access privileges. His current duties keep him in an environment which is compartmentalized to ensure information stays secure. He has protected assets, facilities, and people. Some of these people were famous and some were not but all of them were unique situations and had the government’s focus and interest upon them. Of all his experiences, he would have to say that the most influential and dramatic changes he went through happened when he truly acknowledged that he needed Christ, acknowledged Him in proper context as Lord, and followed in obedience. In his own words, “Being secure in the knowledge I had gained following Him allowed me to completely change personally and how I worked professionally from dealing with career criminals to going through the door first. It is not a mental state to simply be able to deal or cope with situations. I have learned that my faith is evidentially True based upon reason, rational thinking, using logic, and is very defendable. Left to my own devices I would be no better off than many I know so I can claim no credit for anything that has made me a better follower of Jesus. Sanctification is always a work in progress. A Chessman is similar to this in the pursuit of improvement. When I cannot find a way, I will make one with God’s guidance. All glory to God alone.” Wing Chun subscribes to the Spotter Up way of life. “I will either find a way or I will make one”.